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Don’t SAY but SELL your age
Kevin Chesters argues that companies should value experience as highly as expertise. Even though there are plenty of people stating that we should say our age, I prefer Kevin’s headline. At the end of the day it is all about experience and knowledge and age is, or should be, irrelevant.
An ageing workforce isn’t a burden
A key part of the retirement model that most of us have grown up with is freedom from work. Today, a key part of extended middle age is the freedom to work. More and more, people want to keep working past traditional retirement age because they want to continue to contribute to society and find meaning in their own lives – and work does that for them.
Mid-life does not have to be a crisis
This FT article is focusing on the success of the midlife MOT in a few British organisations. However, I would argue, like Jonathan Collie the co-founder of the Age of no Retirement, that instead of focusing on mid-career reviews to strive for continuously development...
Ageism in the workplace starts at 40 for women
Ageism is happening earlier for women, around 40, then for men, around 45, in the workplace. Research shows again that companies need to be more inclusive for the ageing workforce overall but with the emphasis on their female workers.
10 must-know facts about post-millenials
Futurist Will Highman shares the 10 must-know facts about post-millennials, arguing that this generation is already your customer or employee of today. They are used to make quick choices and decisions, value access over ownership, are more community-spirited than millennials and are socially progressive.
The ‘three-stage life’ poses challenges to us all.
Article by Simon Kuper in the FT on why different generations might be angry and how we could make it work in the long-term. Interesting debate could be if age will be more a social construct than gender in the nearby future.
“We currently face four different generations wanting different things from an organisation”