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be open to change


The pain and pleasure of starting a new career in later-life

The pain and pleasure of starting a new career in later-life

How Lucy Kellaway got to change her journalist profession to become a math teacher in her late 50’s. She explains why we all need to revisit our careers when we feel we are hitting a burnout and how we can all work into our seventies if the government would recognise the talents of this generation but also will realise that they need that generation to continue working because of the shortage of people entering the workforce.

Employers shift focus from education to skills

Employers shift focus from education to skills

A good example of a company recruiting staff  with a focus on their skills instead of education is Linkedin. They experienced that the jobs fallout from the pandemic had thrown up some good candidates in unexpected places. Click here to read more about the importance...

How to get an ageing population working longer

How to get an ageing population working longer

'Golden years at work are the hidden treasure of the old' is another article by Camilla Cavendish about the importance of working beyond retirement age and how society, the economy and government will benefit if we embrace the ageing workforce. At the moment...

The working time bomb

The working time bomb

How can we all work longer? A matrix developed by Silverforce Coaching is explained in this article about the working time bomb which argues that a strategy is needed to ensure our older workers can work much later life.

Are perennials the future workforce?

Are perennials the future workforce?

Deloitte’s 2020 Global Human Capital Trends with an interesting section on the postgenerational workforce. All generations will need to reinvent themselves a few times during their careers and it will be more normal to see younger generations fulfilling leadership positions.

“We currently face four different generations wanting different things from an organisation”